Monday, October 29, 2007

Safety Cycling Tips

There are some basic bicycle riding guidelines, which if followed sincerely, go a long way in ensuring the well being of the rider. But the biggest problem lies in the fact, that none of the youngsters take these safety cycling tips seriously.

Here are a couple of bicycle safety tips:
  • The first and foremost thing is to follow traffic rules sincerely and don't try to rush fast, because haste makes waste.
  • You should never wear a headphone, while riding.
  • Give adequate hand signals to indicate to the motorists and pedestrians, as to what lane you wish to take up.
  • Always ride in the middle of the lane at busy intersections.
  • Make it a point to follow the lane markings properly. Never go straight in a lane that says "right turn only."
  • Use a rear view mirror to keep a track of the vehicles coming behind and drive carefully.
  • You should never let your hands go off the brake.
  • Always put on the headlight, while driving during night.
  • Always wear your clothes in different layers, so that you can adjust well to the changes in temperature.
  • Make it a point to go in for the basic routine maintenance.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Indoor Cycling Workout

Indoor cycling workout is an effective workout, involving the use of stationary bike that helps to tone your lower body. Also known as spinning, this workout, if not performed in a proper manner, can lead to injuries and lower backache. Indoor cycling spinning enhances your endurance and this form of exercise is often used in combination with other kinds of exercises, to make the fitness workout session more interesting and beneficial. Read further to explore information about indoor cycling sports…

Indoor cycling workout is often carried out to the tune of music. Usually dance music or rock music is played and if you pedal your indoor stationary bike in coordination with the rhythm of the music, it gives an impetus to your energy level and you tend to enjoy your spinning class. Indoor cycling sports is a very energetic form of exercise, that causes a lot of sweating, thereby opening your skin pores and paving way for skin cleansing.

At the initial level, you can practice indoor cycling once or twice a week, and then gradually, you can carry out this fabulous workout three to four times a week. In the beginning, you might not feel comfortable doing workout on a stationary bike, but gradually you'll get used to. Don't keep your knees locked. There is no need to keep your shoulders stiff, rather let them be in a relaxing position. Grasp the handles of the stationary bike tightly and gear up yourself for an effective intense workout.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Bicycling Clothes For Men

Whenever you go about for bike riding, you should always prefer attiring proper bicycling clothes for men, which are comfortable and do not cause any kind of hindrance or irritation. Man cycling gear consists of different things like helmet, cycling shoes, cycling apparel consisting of cycling shorts, cycling gloves, cycling shirts etc. Read further to gather information about the apt apparel for cycling…

Though dressing manner is something very personal, but there are some basics that need to be followed, while choosing the right clothing for cycling purpose. The most important gear for a rider is undoubtedly helmet that not just protects your head from the scorching heat, but also ensures your safety. Wear the helmet in a proper manner and make sure that the helmet does not fall back on your forehead.

You should always look out for shorts that are specially designed for the purpose of biking. Don't compromise with the clothing, because later, you might have to repent for having made a wrong choice. Look out for eight panel shorts, because they provide the best comfort. You can check out some cool looking cargo shorts for cycling. Shop for proper cycling shorts and shirt, otherwise you can team your bike shorts with any T-shirt tucked in. Gloves are very important, as they protect your hand in case of an accident. Look out for short finger gloves for cycling purpose. Shop for the right cycling gears and enjoy your fitness ride.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Cycling Shorts For Men

Cycling requires the need of buying proper man cycling shorts that are comfy and apt for carrying out this delightful workout. Buying man cycling shorts demands making of a conscious decision, taking into consideration different factors like cloth fabric, weather conditions and fit etc. The market is flooded with distinctive types of men's bike shorts, differing in quality and price range. It is preferable to go in for expensive shorts, because they are better in quality and also last for a long time.

Here are some guidelines for buying cycling shorts for men:
  • Always check out the number of panels in shorts. Cheap quality shorts usually contain four panels, but eight panel shorts are the best for your body.
  • One way to look out for the number of panels is to pay attention to the way they are hanging. If they hang straight that means the shorts consists of four panels and curved hanging is an indication of eight panels.
  • Mostly men's bike shorts are made up of Lycra material, but its better to consult the cycling apparel shop personnel, before shopping.
  • Medium quantity of inner padding would be fine.
  • Ensure the proper fitting of shorts. The ideal fit is one, which is neither skin tight, nor too loose.
  • As far as colors are concerned, black is the most versatile color. But there are no hard and fast rules, so, you can choose according to your personal choice.
  • Knicker shorts are apt for winter season, as they protect your knees from cold. For summers, you can check out some funky cargo shorts.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Cycling Gloves For Men

Buying man cycling gloves is of prime importance, because it is not a fashion accessory to be flaunted, but a vital gear that protects you in case you face a crash. Men's bike gloves actually acquire the most demanding position in the list of cycling essentials.

Here are some tips about locating the right cycling gloves for men:
  • Short finger gloves are perfect to be attired for bicycle riding. They provide the scope of some padding.
  • If you wish to have some cushioning effect, then look out for gel gloves.
  • For riding off the road, it is advisable to go in for full finger gloves, as they provide protection from trees and bushes.
  • To overcome the chilly winds, go in for winter gloves, as they provide warmth to your hands.
  • Ensure the proper fitting of gloves. They should be neither too tight nor too loose.
  • To ensure that the gloves are comfortable, try gripping some handlebars.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Benefits Of Cycling

Cycling is a great fun activity that is especially enjoyed by kids. It is a fantastic workout that not only enables you to derive pleasure, but also goes a long way in ensuring your overall fitness. The best part about this sporting activity is that, you find cycling a delightful experience, without even realizing that it has done good to your body. When you like pursuing a particular activity, then carrying it out doesn't appear cumbersome to you.

There are innumerable benefits of cycling, to say, for example, it minimizes the risk of coronary heart disease and provides protection from the clutches of health problems like strokes, diabetes and cancer. It ensures that your blood pressure is under control. Pursuing cycling helps a great deal in building your stamina, to enable you to carry out your day-to-day activities effectively. This is not the end of cycling health benefits.

Cycling is one of the most effective exercises to shed off those extra calories and get rid of flabby abs. Even a small amount of cycling would be good enough to boost your metabolism level, thereby fastening your weight loss program. It helps to improve the overall balance and coordination. Not only, it paves for maintaining health fitness, but also for leading a healthy peaceful life. So, cycle off your weight and tensions and lead a happy fit lifestyle.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Teen Body Building

In the present times, the trend of teen body building is gaining momentum, luring the youngsters to head their way to gyms. Fitness clubs are witnessing a booming business and the credit undoubtedly goes to the teens, who join these health clubs to build up their body muscles, which they can flaunt to their friends. Well, the media truly deserves a special mention to be made, when it comes to propagating for the teenager bodybuilding fashion.

There are distinctive reasons that are fascinating youngsters towards bodybuilding. For some, it's a way to enhance their self-esteem and confidence level. While for others, it is a way to impress ladies and thus become a source of their attention. But there is another category of teens, who carry out bodybuilding workout, so as to keep fit and active.

As such, there is no specific age for starting bodybuilding, but the right time or age is one, when you feel that your body is ready for some rigorous workout. And if you have been into the habit of performing some fitness exercises, then it will definitely be easier for you to begin with your body building session, because your body is already accustomed to exercising and also your stamina would be good enough to get on to a higher intensity workout. But, if you want to make a difference, you'll have to put in some extra efforts.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Benefits Of Water Aerobics

When it's the time for hot winds, it becomes difficult to carry out workout, because of excessive heat. And on the top of it, when one has to exercise in the same old manner, it leads to monotony. Well, it is during this time, when water aerobic workout serves as an excellent way to beat the summer heat. Not only it enables you to lose weight, but also it is very enjoyable. Read about the water aerobic benefits…

There are multiple benefits of water aerobics. It doesn't cause any kind of stress or jerk on the joints and is extremely safe. Usually this wonderful aquatic exercise session lasts for about 40-50 minutes and it incorporates all components as in warm up, stretching and cooling down. It is a very distinctive kind of physical activity that consists of rhythmic dance movements. As a person proceeds from beginners level to the advanced stage, more intricate dance steps are incorporated.

As compared to the exercises done on the land, water aerobic exercises are more effective and lead to a loss of about 450 to 700 calories per hour. Water aerobics are carried out in chest deep water and make use of floatation devices. It enhances muscular endurance and improves cardiovascular fitness. To increase your flexibility and building strength, there can be nothing better than performing water aerobic workout.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Types Of Aerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercise is a moderate intensity workout that extends over a certain period of time and uses oxygen in this process. Well, in the present times, carrying out aerobics has become the most happening workout trend among the youth. Not only is performing aerobic exercise interesting, but also is very beneficial for health. There are different types of aerobics like fitness walking, jogging, swimming, kickboxing, fitness walking, inline skating, bicycling etc. Read further to know about the distinctive types of aerobic exercises…

In line skating or rollerblading is one of the most popular sports that are luring millions of people into trying it. It helps to strengthen lower back and works a great deal in enhancing cardiovascular development. Kickboxing is extremely useful for quick weight loss, as it helps in burning about 350-450 calories during a 50-minute workout session. At the initial level, kickboxing consists of some basic stretches and cardio warm up. But as one proceeds to advanced levels, punches, hand strikes and kicks are incorporated.

If you are among the types, who always tend to escape from exercising, then the right aerobic type for you is fitness walking. You can start off your walking program from a 10-minute stroll and then gradually increase your level. At later stages, when you have built up your stamina for a higher intensity workout, then you can go in for jogging. For the summer season, swimming acts as an excellent way to overcome the scorching heat. Girls are usually fond of dancing, so why not use hobby to keep oneself fit. Aerobic dance is just apt for people who like dancing. Performing aerobics helps in maintaining your all round fitness and also turns out to be a delightful experience.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Low Impact Aerobics

There are people, who are not able to perform high intensity workout, owing to their poor health conditions. For such people, low impact aerobics acts as the perfect workout choice. Low impact aerobic exercise consists of rhythmic movements, involving large muscle groups.

These exercises are just perfect to be performed by special categories of population, encompassing senior citizens, pregnant women, people with excess weight and people suffering from chronic health problems. Also, they are suitable to be carried out by people, who had long back quitted exercising and now want to start afresh.

People who are already fit and do not wish to put on extra calories, for them, low impact aerobics is just too good. These exercises consist of slow movements that are easy and a great fun to perform. In such exercises, there is no jumping or any sort of leaping and your one foot is always in contact with the floor.

These exercises do not involve a vigorous workout, good enough to improve your cardio health, but they definitely help in enhancing your body flexibility and in toning your muscles and bones. They have the capability to charge up your energy levels, so as to enable you to perform your daily routine activities efficiently. So, carry out these exercises regularly and keep fit.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Benefits Of Aerobic Dance

If you have a hard time exercising, but wish to have a beautiful body, that you can flaunt, then the perfect idea to keep yourself in shape is to perform dance aerobics workout. It's a great fun activity that helps in strengthening your body, giving you energy to carry out your day-to-day activities effectively and efficiently. Read further to explore information about aerobic dance benefit…

There are innumerable benefits of aerobic dance. In fact, it can be said that, it provides you the best of all, if on one hand, it helps in losing weight, and then on the other hand, it helps in building your body muscles. Aerobic dance steps are actually a blend of distinctive dance forms like jazz, disco and ballet. It has acquired the status of a popular sport that can be enjoyed by all age groups, by both men and women.

Dance aerobics craze is spreading everywhere and is sweeping millions of people into trying it. This interesting form of exercise ensures your healthy heart and also it strengthens your lungs. It enhances your blood circulation, lowers cholesterol levels and also it relieves stress. So, enjoy the experience of performing this wonderful workout and lead a healthy lifestyle.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Chair Aerobics Exercise

Chair aerobics exercise serves as the perfect workout for diabetic people, who face a tough time facing complications like congestive heart failure, severe cardiovascular disease etc. It helps in improving their cardio health and also helps in controlling their blood sugar. There are distinctive kinds of chair aerobics workout that you can perform in order to keep fit.

Chair aerobics is performed for about 20-30 minutes and consists of rhythmic movements. Though, it's a low impact workout, yet it helps in building your functional capacity, thus enabling you to perform your daily routine activities effectively. The best part about carrying out chair exercises is that you don't need any special equipment. There is no need to attire any special clothing. All that is needed is a chair and your erect sitting posture. Exercising while sitting on the chair seems to be the most apt workout option for people having pain in knees.

In the contemporary times, the life of modern men and women has become so busy, that they virtually have no time for themselves. Seeing the present scenario, we can understand why young people are falling prey to chronic diseases. The reason that can be actually attributed to this situation is the fact, that people today are leading such an unhealthy lifestyle that is affecting their fitness level in an adverse manner.

Lack of exercising not only makes you become overweight, but also becomes a cause of different types of physical ailments. It is here that chair aerobics comes to play a major role, because it doesn't demand any special arrangements to be done for its performance. You can even do this workout, while sitting in office. Also these exercises can be extremely beneficial for the pregnant women and can help a great deal in fast recovery of patients, who have undergone surgery. So, carry out chair aerobics and keep fit.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Aerobic Wear Clothes

When it's the time to shake your body with aerobic dancing, there is a need to attire proper aerobic wear clothes. Buying aerobic clothing becomes of prime importance, owing to the fact that improper clothing can disrupt your workout by causing discomfort and irritation. Read further to know about fitness apparel for aerobics…

The first and foremost thing is that the apparel you choose to wear, to carry out your aerobic session, should be loose fit, so that there is adequate provision for free flow of air. The key point is that, you should have a feeling of comfort in the clothes you are wearing. If you attire tight fit clothes, your body movement is likely to get restricted, making your exercising ineffective.

It is preferable to wear light color clothing in summer season, as it absorbs heat and also it gives a cool feeling to beat the scorching heat. Whether its summer time or the time of chilly winds, it is advisable to wear some sort of hat or cap over the head, so that you can cope up better with the climatic conditions. You should avoid wearing plastic or rubberized clothing, because such clothes are likely to cause a rise in your body temperature, which can be hazardous.

Prefer attiring several light layers of clothing, rather than going in for one heavy cloth layer. The clothing layer touching your skin should be moisture absorbent. T-shirts or sweatshirts teamed with tights or drawstring pants serve as the perfect clothing for aerobic workout. So, attire proper clothing and enjoy your aerobic workout session.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Best Aerobic Shoes

As important is your physical fitness, equally vital is your foot health. Aerobic performance encompasses of quick lateral movements with lots of jumping and leaping for a particular period, so it becomes all the more necessary to take proper care of your feet. This gives rise to the need of buying proper aerobic shoes. Read further to know about the best aerobic shoes…

The market is virtually flooded with innumerable varieties of aerobic exercise shoes, but not all varieties and brands are suitable for you. Don't go in for cheap inexpensive shoes, so as to save a few rupees. Rather, go in for something that is durable and will last for a long time. Always ensure proper fit, because if the shoe is not proper fit, it is likely to cause pain, which can be a terrible experience for you.

Don't mix up running shoes with aerobic shoes, because they are not one and the same thing. Shoes should be such that, they provide a soft cushioning effect to your feet. They should have a strong supportive sole, so that the risk of injury due to slippage is minimized. There should be adequate provision for airflow on the toe side, so as to let the toes breathe. Always shop for shoes during afternoon, when your feet size is largest. Wear the shoes and roam about for a while to ensure it's fit and comfort and then take a conscious decision.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Aerobic Kickboxing

If you are bored of your usual exercises, then there is a wonderful workout option for you, which you are surely going to like. Extremely beneficial, aerobic kickboxing is a great fun to perform. It is a blending concept that includes martial arts and cardiovascular conditioning. It helps to shape up your total body, thus enhancing your self-esteem. Read further to explore more information about kickboxing aerobic exercise…

Aerobic kickboxing is sometimes also addressed as 'boxing aerobics' and 'cardio boxing.' It is a fabulous way of heading your way towards achieving a beautiful body. It fastens your weight loss program, leading to a loss of about eight hundred calories during an hour-long workout session. And the best part is that, at the end of the session you tend to feel more energetic and enthusiastic about carrying out your day-to-day activities.

Cardio kickboxing is just apt for toning your body, thereby tightening your body muscles and enabling you to look ten years younger. It gives you an opportunity to bid goodbye to flabby abs. It acts as a great stress reliever and helps you forget your worries. It enhances your flexibility level and ensures better blood circulation, which goes a long way in ensuring your fitness level. So, try out this fantastic workout and lead a tension free relaxed lifestyle.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Aerobic Heart Rate

It is of extreme importance to know your target aerobic heart rate, so as to make sure that you are carrying out the right workout and that too in a proper manner. People often tend to get confused as to how to determine target aerobic heart rate. Well, there are different factors, on the basis of which your right heart rate is decided, to say for example, age is one such major factor. We cannot expect a youngster's target heart rate to be the same as that of a 60-year-old man.

Target heart rate varies according to the training zone. Healthy heart zone is apt for people who have just entered the fitness parlance. In this stage, your ideal heart rate should be about 50 - 60% of the maximum heart rate. This workout zone basically consists of warm up exercises that enable you to reduce your body fat and lower your blood pressure and cholesterol level. The calorie loss in this stage is about 85%.

The fitness zone is basically meant to burn calories and achieve health fitness. Your target heart rate in this stage should be about 60 - 70% of the maximum heart rate. It is a higher intensity workout zone, when compared to warm up zone and it leads to quick weight loss by burning more calories. Talking about the aerobic heart zone, ideal heart rate should be about 70 - 80% of maximum heart rate. This endurance-training zone helps in improving your cardiovascular development and also it helps in strengthening your heart.

Here is a chart showing your target heart rate in terms of beats per minute, in accordance to your age:

Age Target range (beats/minute)
20-24 120-150
25-29 117-146
30-34 114-142
35-39 111-139
40-44 108-135
45-49 105-131
50-54 102-127
55-59 99-123
60-64 96-120
65-69 93-116
70 and older 90-113

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Aerobic Versus Anaerobic Exercise

These days, the latest forms of exercises that are gaining everybody's attention are aerobic and anaerobic exercises. But most of us are unaware as to what is the actual difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercise. Well, it is interesting to explore some pieces of information regarding aerobic versus anaerobic exercise.

Aerobic exercise is a very energetic form of physical activity that fastens your heartbeat to about 65% of the maximum rate. This exercise is performed for a period of time extending up to say at least 20 minutes. Aerobics consists of distinctive activities like running, brisk walking, bike riding, swimming etc. Well, the functioning of aerobics begins with the burning of stored sugars and gradually it attacks on the fats that are stored in the body.

On the contrary, anaerobic exercise takes place in quick span of time and includes activities like sprinting, weight lifting etc. Well, both forms of exercises have their own advantages like aerobic exercises help in developing cardiovascular strength, whereas, anaerobic exercises help in strengthening muscles and joints.

For a beginner, aerobic exercises are suggested over anaerobic exercises, so as to ensure an overall fitness. But if you already have a good endurance and your cardio condition is above average, then you can straight away get on to anaerobic workouts, say for example, if you've already built the stamina for running, then to raise your performance to the next level, you might need to give a sort of jerk to your muscles through strenuous training. If you are confused about the type of workout you should go in for, it's advisable to consult a professional trainer.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Health Benefits Of Aerobics

We've all heard of aerobics, but does any of us really know what all activities are included in aerobics. Are we aware as to what are the effects of aerobic exercise? Well, aerobic exercise is a fabulous workout that not only helps in maintaining your fitness level, but also makes your heart stronger. There are distinct forms of aerobics like cycling, biking, jogging, running, swimming, dancing etc.

You can also carry out your aerobic workout on different machines in the gym like treadmill, stationary exercising bike, stair-stepper etc. These days; it has actually become a trend of joining aerobic dance classes. The best part about the aerobic dance is that, not only it helps in keeping you in shape, but also it's a fun time activity, for which you don't mind sparing time, because you derive pleasure in doing it.

There are innumerable health benefits of aerobics like it helps in utilizing oxygen more efficiently, thereby paving way for increased fat burning. The chances of having diabetes and other diseases are largely reduced. If you are keeping unwell, then aerobics exercise can help you a great deal in faster recovery. Aerobic also acts as a fantastic stress reliving therapy. Thus, it can be said that it helps to maintain your overall fitness, on one hand it enables you to have a beautiful fit body and on the other hand, it ensures that your mind remains stress free.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Bodybuilding Protein Supplements

Proteins are needed by the body to repair the tissues and to build muscles. If there will be inadequacy of proteins in your body, then the body will use the proteins for carrying out the routine bodily functions, virtually leaving no proteins left to be used for the purpose of muscle building. Not only that, it also has an adverse effect on your body immune system. This gives rise to the need to consume nutritional protein supplement, thus paving way for fastening your bodybuilding program. Read further to explore information about protein supplement benefits…

Bodybuilders must consume at least 1-2 grams of proteins per pound of lean bodyweight, so as to ensure that they have taken their minimum protein intake. Bodybuilding protein supplements are made up of amino acids that are basically used in building body muscles. As far as the popular protein supplements are concerned, it is the whey, egg, soy and casein products that make the top score.

Whey protein supplement is just apt for post workout session, because that is the time, when your body needs proteins and whey gets quickly digested. Egg protein is good for health and takes about 1.5-3 hours in digestion, so you can consume them anytime. Soy protein is the best option available to people following vegetarianism. Casein products can be used before going to bed, as they take little longer in digesting. Also, there are blended protein supplements, that contain the above mentioned protein supplements in different proportions.

So, make these natural protein supplements an integral part of your meals and see their miraculous effects on your body.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Natural Bodybuilding Secrets

These days, innumerable varieties and brands of body building supplements are hitting the market and are gaining popularity among the youth. But it is always advisable to try out natural bodybuilding secrets that can enable you to get the desired muscles in a natural manner, without depending upon unhealthy muscle enhancing drugs, which can lead to several health hazards. Read further to explore information about bodybuilding natural nutrition…

Natural body building and fitness are directly proportional to each other, in the sense, if you choose the path of natural body building, it will also ensure your health fitness. If you wish to have the muscular body that attracts attention, then it's like a must to follow a strict regimen of carrying out regular bodybuilding workout and consuming muscle enhancing natural food supplements like whey proteins.

It is vital to set goals for yourself, because if your goal is there in your mind, it becomes easier to decide as to how much effort has to be put in. To say, for example, if you want to build muscles for participating in some competition, then definitely, there is a need to put in extra efforts. When you feel like skipping your exercise, then remind yourself of your goal and don't allow your heart to overpower your mind.

Eating proper nutrition is of extreme importance, as it helps a great deal in burning your calories on one hand and building your muscles on the other. You should consume about 17-19 calories per lb of body weight for muscle gaining. Your food intake should be such that, 30% of calories should be contributed by proteins, 50% by natural carbohydrates and 20% should come from fats. Processed foods and foods containing high sugar content should be avoided. Make it a point to consume 1 gram of protein per lean pound of body weight per day, at any cost.

As far as natural bodybuilding workout is concerned, carry out the basic exercises, that people have been doing till now and never commit the mistake of over training, because excess of everything is bad, so, go slow and steady. Each muscle needs to be worked, but only once per week. So, if you work on the same muscle again in a week and that too at the expense of some other muscle, then it won't do any good to your body. So, adopt natural bodybuilding and give it your best shot and the success would be undoubtedly yours.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Diet For Body Builders

Professional bodybuilders boast off their good physique and they attribute the credit to their tough workout and carefully planned nutritional diet. But as studies indicate, there are many myths about the body building nutrition. To say for example, it is thought that sodium helps in muscle expansion by pulling water into the muscle cells, but as of now there is no surety as to whether it holds true or not. In fact, the studies reveal that sodium simply gets dumped in the urine.

Well, as far as the diet for body builders is concerned, there is a need for consuming balanced muscle building food because consuming supplements alone won't help. The food items that the body builders consume, should be planned in such a manner that they help in muscle gaining and not in weight gain. The daily calorie requirement of body builders should be approximately 2500 calories per 100lbs body weight.

Ideally the body building diet should include food items that contain all categories of nutrients. It is essential to consume all the nutrients then be it proteins, carbohydrates or fats. Different items that bodybuilders can consume for the intake of proteins are: lean meat, fish, eggs, milk, nuts etc. For carbohydrates, brown rice, potatoes, whole meal bread, fresh fruits and vegetables can be consumed. But white flour products are a total no.

Foods that are rich in fats and essential fatty acids are oily fish, flaxseed oil, olive oil, avocado, cottage cheese and nuts. Choose these muscle-building foods in different combinations and eat small five to six meals a day. Processed foods and junk foods are not meant for bodybuilders. Also you should avoid high sugar content foods like fruit juices. Prefer not to consume carbohydrates three to four hours before going off to sleep. If you follow these diet tips sincerely, you are surely going to succeed in your mission of gaining muscles that you would love to flaunt.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Bodybuilding Nutritional Supplement

Bodybuilding is not a one-day activity and requires a constant hard work, to achieve the desired results in the form of a great physique. Bodybuilding fitness supplements are very hot and happening and in the contemporary times, they are sailing smoothly virtually in every bodybuilder's cupboard. But in this scenario, where the craze of achieving a muscular body, through body building supplements has created bizarre all over, people have started relying completely on these muscle-enhancing drugs, without realizing their harmful effects on health.

But, also, there are some natural body building supplements that fasten the process of your muscle building, thus enabling you to achieve your ultimate goal faster. The reservoir of bodybuilding nutritional supplements is a real comprehensive one, encompassing supplements like proteins, meal replacement powders, creatine, vitamins etc. Protein supplements play a vital role in your muscle building, so it's like a must to incorporate protein food supplement in your meal. The most popular protein supplements among athletes are whey, soy, egg and casein. Due to strenuous workout, body builders need more proteins than the average man.

Vitamin consumption is of prime importance, as they help in converting food into energy. Consuming minerals is important, because they ensure that your brain receives correct signals from your body. Natural muscle-building supplements occupy an important position, owing to the fact, that they provide the nutrients required by the body for muscle growth, which our food is not able to provide, because many a times, due to cooking, the nutritional value of the food is largely reduced. It is here, that these nutritional supplements come to play a major role. So, consume healthy body building supplements and head your way towards achieving a fabulous body, worth showing off.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Here are some tips on amateur body building

  • The first and foremost thing is to look out for a clean, well-equipped gym that is nearby to your place, where the overall ambience is good.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself and then slowly get on to higher intensity workout levels. First strengthen your muscles and then work towards building them.
  • Find training partner with whom you can hold a healthy competition, because that will help in motivating you to workout harder.
  • Before working on your muscles, perform some basic warm up light cardio stretches, as it will enhance your body flexibility and also minimize the risk of any sort of injury.
  • Keep breathing, while doing your bodybuilding workout, as it helps in supplying oxygen to the body that is essential for muscle growth.
  • For good results, exercising alone won't help. There is a need to maintain healthy eating habits and consume a balanced diet that incorporates food items in such combinations, that you get all the necessary nutrients, required by the body. Well, for muscle growth, the necessary nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But then that does not mean, you should not take vitamins and minerals. Nutrients can be mixed in different proportions, depending upon factors like your body weight, fitness goals etc. Keep a check on your food intake and see to it that you eat nutritious foods.
  • Amateurs can consume protein powder supplement, so as to achieve lean muscle mass. Protein shakes are also a great alternative.
  • Complement your bodybuilding workout with some aerobic exercises, as they burn the extra calories and also ensure the health of your heart.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Why is drinking apple tea good for health?

the phytonutrients in apples and apple products make them an important part of a nutritious diet because they significantly reduced the oxidation of LDL ('bad") cholesterol.

more specifically, researchers have shown that apples and apple products have the following benefits:

* Mayo Clinic researchers found that quercetin, a phytonutrient found primarily in apples, onions, tea and red wine, has the ability to alter specific functions of the androgen receptor which plays a key role in prostate cancer. This finding adds support to epidemiology studies (see below) that have suggested a link between consumption of quercetin and reduced risk of other diseases, including cancer. [Xing et al. Quercetin inhibits the expression and function of the androgen receptor in LNCaP prostate cancer cells. Carcinogenisis. March 2001. Vol. 22:3:409-414.]

* Researchers at Cornell University found that the phytonutrients in apples inhibited the growth of colon cancer and liver cancer cells in vitro. While the beneficial phytonutrients were most strongly concentrated in the apple skin, the apple flesh also contained significant levels of phytonutrients. According to the Cornell research, 100 grams of unpeeled apple - about two-thirds of a medium-sized apple - provides the total antioxidant activity of 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C. [Eberhardt et al. Nutrition: Antioxidant activity of fresh apples. Nature. 2000.405: 903-904.]

* Finnish researchers found that individuals who ate the most apples had the lowest risk of thrombotic stroke, due to the phytonutrients found in apples. Their conclusion was based on evaluation of dietary records and health outcomes of 9,208 men followed for 28 years. Unlike findings from other epidemiological studies, the researchers attributed this positive association to phytonutrients other than quercetin found in apples (e.g., catechins), demonstrating apples' broad phytonutrient content. [Knekt et al. Quercetin Intake and the Incidence of Cerebrovascular Disease.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 2000. 54: 415-417.]

* British researchers found that apple eaters had better lung function than non-apple eaters, as measured by forced expiratory volume. After analyzing dietary records and health outcomes of a group of 2,512 men, the researchers found a strong positive association between lung function and the number of apples eaten each week. Although it had been suggested by other researchers that vitamin C from fresh fruit was responsible for improving lung function, this investigation found otherwise. These researchers believe that it is the consumption of antioxidant-like phytonutrients in apples (e.g., flavonoids such as quercetin) that provide an explanation for the healthful effect of apples. [Butland et al. Diet, Lung Function, and Lung Function Decline in a Cohort of 2,512 Middle-aged Men. Thorax. 2000. 55:102-108.]

* Researchers in Hawaii found that an increased consumption of quercetin (from apples and onions) was associated with a reduced risk of lung cancer. While investigating a possible relationship between the consumption of flavonoids and lung cancer risk, researchers uncovered a statistically significant inverse association between lung cancer risk and intake of the flavonoid quercetin, found primarily in apples and onions. They also found an inverse association between lung cancer risk and the flavonoid naringin, found in white grapefruit. No association was found for important food sources of other flavonoids. [Le Marchand et al. Intake of Flavonoids and Lung Cancer.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2000. 92: 154-160.]

* Researchers at the University of California-Davis reported that phytonutrients in apples and apple juice prevent oxidation in vitro of the "bad" (LDL) cholesterol, and thus may help protect against cardiovascular disease. They also confirmed that important phytonutrients from apples do pass through to the apple juice. While the apple juice and apple components varied in the levels of phytonutrient concentrations, all inhibited oxidation (or "rusting") of the LDL cholesterol - an undesirable process that can lead to unwanted build-up of arterial plaque. [Pearson et al. Apple Juice Inhibits Human Low Density Lipoprotein Oxidation. Life Sciences. 1999. 64:1913-1920.]

* Epidemiologists from Finland's National Public Health Institute found that consumption of a flavonoid-rich diet (and particularly those flavonoids from apples) was associated with a reduced risk of developing cancer. Their study of 9,959 cancer-free men and women revealed that people who regularly consumed the most flavonoid-rich foods - apples, onions, fruits, juices, vegetables and jams - were about 20 percent less likely to develop cancer. Researchers found that lung cancer was 46 percent lower among those whose diets contained the highest amount of flavonoids, particularly from apples. Of the major dietary flavonoid sources, consumption of apples showed the greatest inverse association with lung cancer incidence. [Knekt et al. Dietary Flavonoids and the Risk of Lung Cancer and Other Malignant Neoplasms. American Journal of Epidemiology. 1997. 48:3:223-30.]

* Epidemiologists from Finland's National Public Health Institute also concluded that high consumption of flavonoids from apples and onions was directly associated with the lowest risk for coronary mortality. This conclusion was based on their analysis of diet and health outcomes of an ongoing study of 5,133 Finnish men and women aged 30-69, who were initially free of heart disease when the study began in 1967. [Knekt et al. Flavonoid Intake and Coronary Mortality in Finland: A Cohort Study. British Medical Journal. 1996. 312:478-81.]

fOLLOW 6ft!!!!!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nokia Phone Tips

If you have a Nokia phone, you probably want to know all the neat things you can do with it. Along with the tips and tricks, I'll also cover some of the known issues with the phone. This should save you having to ask. Note that some of the tips may apply to other Nokia phones than the models listed. These are simply the models on which I know that the tip applies.

Volume Adjustment in Noisy Environments
Applies to: 6190, 6310i

Quite a few Nokia models (beyond the two listed above) have a great feature that makes these phone much more useable in noisy environments (such as crowded shopping malls or while walking down a busy street). When the phone detects that you are in an especially noisy area it boosts the volume of the earpiece by upwards of 5 dB (this value is an educated guess). It doesn't even matter if you already have the phoned cranked up to full volume, as the level will still be boosted.
On recent tests I performed with the 6310i, the extent to which this feature worked was amply demonstrated. I stood on the Mavis bridge over Highway 403 in Mississauga during rush hour, which is a pretty noisy place to be. Just to speak with someone standing next to you, it would be necessary to raise your voice to the point of almost shouting. I then called 611 on Fido to listen to the front-end recordings. As many Fido users know, these recordings are not especially loud, and it is even worse in Mississauga, as that area is served by Nortel equipped sites, which are noticeable fainter than the Ericsson sites still found in many other places in Southern Ontario. Despite all that, the phone boosted the volume high enough that I could hear every word spoken without straining to do so.
Can I Change the Volume with Field Test Mode Activated?
Applies to: 6188, 6185, 6160, 6120

At times it appears impossible to change the earpiece volume during a call if Field Test Mode is activated. Unlike the 6190, none of the other 61xx models have volume controls on the side. They instead rely on the cursor up/down buttons on the main keypad. When in Field Test Mode, pressing the up and down buttons merely moves the phone from one screen to another. However, there is a mechanism in the phone to switch it between adjusting the volume and moving through the Field Test screens.
This screwed me up when it first hit me, but I have now figured out how the mechanism works. If you find you cannot adjust the volume in a call with Field Test Mode activated, then do this: press a key, then press and hold the Clear soft key for a second or two. This will toggle the mode back and forth between volume and moving through screens.

Why does the 6185/6188 Signal Strength Meter Make no Sense?
Applies to: 6188, 6185

There are essentially two things that we can display on a signal strength meter. The first is RSSI, which is short for Received Signal Strength Indicator (or something like that). This is a simple measurement of the signal strength with no consideration given to noise or other problems that may plague the signal. For non-CDMA systems this is probably a reasonable measurement, even though noise does play a roll in diminishing the performance of all phones.
In CDMA however, signal strength alone does not necessarily tell us how good the call will be. How many of you have had poor audio using a CDMA phone when it shows a 2 or 3 bar signal? In this case the strong signal did not translate into good audio. Most companies choose to display the more traditional RSSI on their phones, since they obviously believe it makes more sense to the end user.
The second thing we can measure is the Carrier-to-Interference Ratio (or Ec/Io). This measurement essentially ignores the overall strength of the signal and instead concentrates on how much better the desired signal is to the noise that conspires to interfere with it. Nokia chose to use this method for its 61xx CDMA models.
With this in mind, it is therefore possible to observe a low meter reading in an area where you know the signal is strong, and get a high reading in an area where the signal is weak. This doesn't completely explain the weird behavior of the 6185/6188 meter, but I have a possible explanation for the sudden drops to no bars that it makes. When the 6185 changes to a different PN Offset at idle it drops the meter to zero until it can establish the new Ec/Io. I think Nokia will likely "fix" this in the future, while having the meter retain its old reading until the new one can be calculated. This won't give users heart attacks by making them think the signal has disappeared.
So is the use Ec/Io a good idea then? In my opinion: yes and no. The information it provides is far more relevant to the type of call you'll end up with than pure RSSI, but it is foreign to most cell phone users. So on one hand it gives us truly useful signal quality measurements, but at the same time it confuses the hell out of us when we see 2-bar readings while standing next to a cell site. It also fluctuates quite a bit over time, even when the phone remains stationary. I don't know if Nokia will change this in future firmware revisions, but much depends upon the public's overall reaction to this "strange" new idea.

Changing the Banner on Your Display
Applies to: 3390, 6190, 5190, 6188, 6185, 6160, 6120, 6310i

You can't change the banner on a GSM model per se, but you can do something even better. Many of Nokia's phones allow you to upload what is called an Operator Logo. This is a 14x72 pixel graphic image that takes the place of the network name of your screen. On phones without IR or Bluetooth, you'll need a data cable and a copy of some appropriate software such as LogoManager. Yes the 6310i can do this too, though I'm not sure why there appears to be any doubt over this.
Unfortunately, Operator Logos do not always work. It's never been completely clear why, but the blame seems to fall on certain SIM cards. Whether this is true or not, you may find that your phone doesn't display the graphic image even after you have followed the instructions to the letter.
The 3390 can receive Operator Logos over-the-air as SMS, and you also set what is known as a Screen Saver. This is a full screen graphic image that appears while your phone is "idling".

Changing the banner on your 6188 and 6185 phone is fairly simple. Do the following:

1) Type *3001#12345#
This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be presented with the programming menu.

2) Select "NAM1"

3) Scroll down to "Alpha Tag" and select that

4) Enter a new tag, then press OK

5) Power down the phone and power it back on again

NOTE: This apparently does not work on all of the newest 6188 models with firmware version 441. On some of these phones, there does not appear to be a way to modify the banner. If I find a way to do this, I will certainly pass it along. Your 441 phone may or may not have Alpha Tag menu item.

Changing the banner in the 6160 and 6120 is a little more complicated. I don't own either of these phones, so the following instructions are courtesy of Peter Tsang:

1) Type *3001#12345#

This will put your phone into programming mode, and you'll be presented with the programming menu.

2) Select "NAM1"

3) Select "PSID/RSID"

4) Select "P/RSID 1"

Note: Any of the P/RSIDs will work

5) Select "System Type" and set it to Private

6) Select "PSID/RSID" and set it to 1

7) Select "Connected System ID"

Note: Enter your System ID for Rogers, which is 16401 or 16423. If you don't know yours, ask your local dealer for it.

8) Select "Alpha Tag"

9) Enter a new tag, then press OK

10) Select "Operator Code (SO)" and set it to 2050

11) Select "Country Code" and set it to 302 for Canada. Sorry I don't know the code for the US.

12) Power down the phone and power it back on again

I don't know how much of that actually has to be done to change the tag, but unless I hear otherwise, I will assume that you must do each and every item as outlined.

Storing and Retrieving Phone Book Entries Numerically
Applies to: 6190

Some people just can't seem to get to used to the idea that Nokia phones allow only alphabetic access to the entries in the phone book. These people prefer to store all their phone book entries into a known location, and then to speed dial from that location. The following procedure outlines how you can set up your 6190 phone to work in just that manner.
The first thing you need to know is that the 6190 phone does allow you to randomly access the entries in the phone book. Just enter the location you want and then press the # key. So far so good, but how do you store entries into the locations you want? It may seem impossible, since the phone decides where new entries go. A little lateral thinking however, goes a long way here.
Step 1: Clear all your phone book entries. I know, this is a pain if you already have lots of them entered. However, this is a once-only thing, so you'll never have to perform this step again.
Step 2: Fill the phone with bogus entries, but name them strategically so they tell you where they are stored. I strongly recommend "zz" followed the location. The use of "zz" ensures that the bogus entries appear at the end of your alphabetically sorted names, but ahead of any of your special names beginning with non-alpha characters. You know which location the phone will store the entry, since it puts all new entries into memory from the first location on up. Start with zz1, then zz2, and so on to zz100.
Step 3: Edit the bogus entry at the location you want to use. For example, say you wanted to store Environment Canada's weather recording number at location 93 ("W", "E"). Find the bogus entry called zz93, then edit the name and number appropriately. When you are finished, choose the "Save" option (not the "Save New" option). To dial this phone book entry, press 9, 3, #, TALK.
Repeat step 3 any time you have a new entry to put in your phone book. To delete an entry, just edit it back to the bogus entry for the location.

Another 10 Speed Dial Numbers
Applies to: 6190

I like Nokia's idea of having the speed dial numbers on keys 2 through 8 re-assignable, but that doesn't really give all that many. There must be a way to get some more speed dial numbers that are easily accessible with just a few keystrokes. Further down this document you'll find out how to access your phone book by location (by entering the location number and then pressing the # key). If we could somehow FORCE a particular entry into locations 1 through 9, then we could dial them with just three keystrokes. For example, 1, #, TALK.
The 6190 always stores a new entry at the next available location, so once you have more than 10 entries in your phone book, you know those first 10 are already filled. Here is how you put what you want into any location in the phone that is already occupied. For our example, we will change the contents of location 5.
First recall the existing entry in location 5 by pressing 5#. This will display ONLY the phone number stored in this location. Figure out whose phone number this is, and make a note of it. Now recall that location by name and choose the edit option. Change the name and phone number to what you want stored in location 5. The new information will take the place of the old information in location 5. All that's left to do now is re-enter the phone book entry you have displaced. Do this in the normal way. We can now dial this new entry by simply pressing 5, #, TALK.
You can repeat this procedure for each of the memory locations you wish to "force" to a particular entry.

Meaningful Message Addresses
Applies to: All GSM Phones

As you may already know, voice mail notifications are sent as text messages. These messages are identified as coming from fake phone numbers that are 2- to 4-digits in length. Wouldn't it be nice to have more meaningful address tag for these messages, such as "Voice Mail" or "VM Notify". Well you can, and it's really quite easy.
Nokia phones match message return phone number with entries in your Phone Book. All you have do is create a phone book entry with the phone numbers equivalent to the odd digits that these message come from. When messages arrive from these internal locations, they will be displayed on your "Inbox" list as the names given to the associated Phone Book entry.
This idea also works with other odd addresses sent by the network.

Touch Tones During Conference Calls
Applies to: 6190, 5190, 3390

As you well know, you can send touch tones during a call by either pressing keys on your keypad, or by choosing the Touch Tones options to send from a stored Phone Book entry. During a Conference Call however, you CANNOT send touch tones. This is apparently a security feature of GSM to ensure that you don't unwittingly pass along secure information to other callers in the group.
All is not lost however, since GSM supports the ability to have a private conversation with one of your Conference parties. While in the secure domain of a private chat, you can once again send touch tones.

Easy Long Distance Dialing
Applies to: Most Nokia phones, but not the 6310i for some strange reason

If you're like me, you prefer to store all of your phone book entries without the 1 in front of them. This way you can always know if you are about to make a long distance call or not. The problem is, when you do want to call long distance it's a pain in the neck to add the 1 to the number. You could either type the number in fresh, or you recall the phone book entry and edit a 1 into the beginning of the number just before you press TALK. There must be an easier way!
Well there is. Locate the menu for editing a Calling Card. Scroll down to one of the two available calling card entries and press Options. Now choose Edit from the list, at which point you will be asked to enter your phone's security code. This will be 12345 if you haven't specifically changed it. You should now see "Dialing Sequence" on the display. Press select and scroll through the various options until you find one that reads:

+ phone no.
+ card no.

Press Select again and enter "1" as your Prefix when prompted. Press OK, then enter an asterisk as your card number when prompted. Press OK again twice to save the changes. This should take you back to the "Dialing Sequence" display. Scroll down from that and you'll get to the "Card Name" screen. Press the select button and rename this card to something meaningful, such as "Add One".
Now step back to the Menu that listed your two option calling cards and the "None" selection. Your final step is to select this newly created calling card as your default. Make sure you have the right one selected, the press Options. Now choose the Select option from the result list (you'll have to enter you're phones security code once again). The phone will momentary display "Card Ready for Use".
Okay, now that you have created and selected your calling card feature, how do you use it? Simple, just select a phone number to dial using the same procedures as you have always used. When you press TALK though, hold it for a second or two and the phone will say:

Card Call...

If you look carefully, you'll see that a 1 has been added to the beginning of the phone number. Once the connection is made, the phone's screen will show:

Wait for tone,
then press OK

It says this because the feature we are using is expecting the front-end of a long distance dialing service. You don't' have to worry about this, so just press OK to clear this from the display, and then carry on with your phone call as usual.

Repeat Letters
Applies to: 6190, 5190, 3390, 6188, 6185, 6160, 6120

When entering text messages or phone book names, it may not be obvious how one goes about entering two letters on the same key. Sure, you could wait a couple of seconds for the cursor to return, but this really slows you down. Some people found that pressing the # key twice in a row (thus toggling from upper to lowercase and back again) did the trick. However, you can achieve the same result with just a single key press. Simple press the arrow up or arrow down key, then continue entering your letters. The only gotcha with this approach is that you must press this key before the usual time-out occurs and cursor re-appears.
Note that in the case of the 3390, this assumes you are using standard text entry and not Predictive Text Entry.

Quick Profile Changes
Applies to: Most Nokia Phones

As you already know, you can change profiles by selecting them using the Profiles menu option. You may also know that you press the power button and then select the profile you want from the resulting menu. However, you may not have known that you can select a profile even quicker than that. Just press the power button once, then hit key 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 (or 7 for the 3390). This will select the various profiles immediately. Power-2 is "Normal" and so on up the list. Power-1 turns the phone off instantly (no waiting).

Lots of Dates and Times
Applies to: Most Nokia Phones

As you may already know, the Nokia 61xx stores the last 10 numbers you dialed, the last 10 numbers you received calls from, and the last 10 calls you missed. However, the manual makes no mention of another rather nifty feature: the phone stores the last 5 dates and times for EACH of those 30 call log entries! Try calling your phone a three times in a row and don't bother answering the calls (thus putting these calls in the "Missed Calls" log). Try to space these calls by at least a minute so they will show as being received at different times. Now checked the Missed Calls log. You will find your home phone number in there only ONCE, so how can you tell when your three calls came in? Just ask the phone to display the date and time of the call, then press the cursor down (or up) button to scroll through the times it has stored for that number.
The 3390 and 5190 only support one date and time per entry.

Faster Voice Mail Access
Applies to: Most Nokia Phones

To access your voice mail you must dial a special number that is stored in the phone. To make life easy, Nokia automatically assigns the voice mail phone number to speed dial 1, so you only need to press and hold the 1 key, or press 1, followed by TALK. However, once you get through to your voice mail, you must enter your password and a pound sign manually. There are two ways you can automate this process. First, you can create a phone book entry called "Messages", and assign it to:


where the "5555" is your password. The "p" is entered by pressing the star key three times in quick succession. This tells the Nokia phone to wait until the call is connected, then pause for 2 seconds before sending the remainder of the code as DTMF tones. This approach works great, but it still requires that you assign the "Message" phone book entries to one of your speed dial numbers, or you have to manually look up the number first.
There must be an easier way, and sure enough there is. Keep the "Messages" phone book entry you just created, but got to Menu 1-3-2 to reassign your voice mailbox number. Unlike the Nokia 2190, in which any characters other than valid digits were not allowed, Nokia phones allow you to enter control codes such the letter "p". You can therefore enter the 4168221123p5555# string as your voice mail number. Now when you press the 1 key, you not only dial into the voice mail, you also get your password dialed automatically too. The bonus for having the "Messages" phone book entry is that the phone identifies the voice mail number as belonging to that phone book entry, and it displays "Messages" as the last dialed phone number (instead of 416-822-1123).

Pre-stored Call Forwarding
Applies to: Most Nokia Phones

Although you can activate or de-activate call forwarding from the menu, you may have numbers to which you commonly forward your phone. Since all supported technologies use code sequences that you can type in from your keyboard, it is possible to create phone book entries that perform various types of call forwarding or unforwarding. For a complete list of codes for the 6190, see GSM Features. The codes for the other phones are DIFFERENT from those for the GSM phone. I do not have a list of other forwarding codes. Sorry.
To make these entries easier to find, put an underscore as the first character in their names. This sorts to the end of your phone book (but before those ones that begin with two less-than symbols). Now when you need to select from a group of call forwarding sequences, you need only press the arrow up key on your phone until you find the one your want. Then press TALK.

Funny Red Panel on Top
Applies to: 6190, 6188, 6185, 6160, 6120

You've all noticed that odd red panel at the top of the phone, and you have probably wondered what it's there for. Well, apparently all other versions of the non-North American 61xx series of GSM phones include an infrared port which allow you to talk to other 61xx phones, and to send messages to your computer or printer. Unfortunately, none of the North American phones has this port. I have personally checked, and the hardware just isn't there.
Just to make sure you are clear on this: THERE IS NO INFRARED HARDWARE UNDER THE RED COVER.

What's the Buzz
Applies to: 6190, 5190, and other models to a lesser degree

Many people have noticed that the 6190 and 5190 (and many of the other 61xx and 51xx series of phones sold in Europe) have a faint buzz that can be heard when you use the phone in very quiet environments. This buzz is actually the sound of the transmitted signal interfering with the audio circuits of the phone. The effects will be less noticeable when you are very close to a site, and more noticeable in weak signal areas. This is because the phone transmits with more power when it needs to, but not when it doesn't.
The sound isn't particularly objectionable, but its presence seems to be normal. If your version of the phone creates a buzz that is quite loud, then yours may be faulty. Otherwise don't be too concerned about it.

P.S. This is clearly a hardware problem, so a future firmware update is highly unlike to change anything in-so-much as the buzz is concerned.

The 3390 doesn't seem to suffer from this.

Ring Volume

Applies to: 6190, 6188, 6185, 6160, 6120

Many of your may have already noticed that the level 5 ring volume doesn't always seem to be any louder than level 4. This is because many of the ring tones on the phone use frequencies that the sounder cannot reproduce at high levels. There are however (in the case of the 6190, 6160, and 6120) 5 ring tones that do work properly at level 5, and they are "Mosquito", "City Bird", "Bee", "Chase", and "Etude". In the case of the 6188 and 6185 however, you have 6 tones that work properly at level 5, and they are "Mosquito", "Etude", "Chase", "Robo NIX", "Attraction", and "Polite", If you must use level 5 for any reason, I strongly recommend that you choose one of these rings. They will produce exceptionally loud sounds that can be heard over some of the worst background noise. NOTE: This problem CANNOT be fixed by a firmware upgrade. The only hope of changing this behavior is physically exchange the sounder in your phone with a different one.

fOLLOW 6ft!!!!!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

12 tips for better e-mail etiquette

I remember opening my first e-mail account and thinking how much fun it was to send a message to a friend. However, most people now no longer find e-mail simple or fun. E-mail messaging now exceeds telephone traffic and is the dominant form of business communication. Some workers tell me that handling e-mail consumes half of their day. A recent Wall Street Journal report indicates that soon employees will spend three to four hours a day on e-mail.
Don't you wish that every person who received a new e-mail account had to agree to follow certain rules to use it? There are certain professional standards expected for e-mail use. Here are some things to keep in mind regarding professional e-mail conduct:

1. Be informal, not sloppy: Your colleagues may use commonly accepted abbreviations in e-mail, but when communicating with external customers, everyone should follow standard writing protocol. Your e-mail message reflects you and your company, so traditional spelling, grammar, and punctuation rules apply.

2. Keep messages brief and to the point: Just because your writing is grammatically correct does not mean that it has to be long. Nothing is more frustrating than wading through an e-mail message that is twice as long as necessary. Concentrate on one subject per message whenever possible.

3. Use sentence case: USING ALL CAPITAL LETTERS LOOKS AS IF YOU'RE SHOUTING. Using all lowercase letters looks lazy. For emphasis, use asterisks or bold formatting to emphasize important words. Do not, however, use a lot of colors or graphics embedded in your message, because not everyone uses an e-mail program that can display them.

4. Use the blind copy and courtesy copy appropriately: Don't use BCC to keep others from seeing who you copied; it shows confidence when you directly CC anyone receiving a copy. Do use BCC, however, when sending to a large distribution list, so recipients won't have to see a huge list of names. Be cautious with your use of CC; overuse simply clutters inboxes. Copy only people who are directly involved.

5. Don't use e-mail as an excuse to avoid personal contact: Don't forget the value of face-to-face or even voice-to-voice communication. E-mail communication isn't appropriate when sending confusing or emotional messages. Think of the times you've heard someone in the office indignantly say, "Well, I sent you e-mail." If you have a problem with someone, speak with that person directly. Don't use e-mail to avoid an uncomfortable situation or to cover up a mistake.

6. Remember that e-mail isn't private: I've seen people fired for using e-mail inappropriately. E-mail is considered company property and can be retrieved, examined, and used in a court of law. Unless you are using an encryption device (hardware or software), you should assume that e-mail over the Internet is not secure. Never put in an e-mail message anything that you wouldn't put on a postcard. Remember that e-mail can be forwarded, so unintended audiences may see what you've written. You might also inadvertently send something to the wrong party, so always keep the content professional to avoid embarrassment.
7. Be sparing with group e-mail: Send group e-mail only when it's useful to every recipient. Use the "reply all" button only when compiling results requiring collective input and only if you have something to add. Recipients get quite annoyed to open an e-mail that says only "Me too!"

8. Use the subject field to indicate content and purpose: Don't just say, "Hi!" or "From Laura." Agree on acronyms to use that quickly identify actions. For example, your team could use to mean "Action Required" or for the Monthly Status Report. It's also a good practice to include the word "Long" in the subject field, if necessary, so that the recipient knows that the message will take time to read.

9. Don't send chain letters, virus warnings, or junk mail: Always check a reputable antivirus Web site or your IT department before sending out an alarm. If a constant stream of jokes from a friend annoys you, be honest and ask to be removed from the list. Direct personal e-mail to your home e-mail account.

10. Remember that your tone can't be heard in e-mail: Have you ever attempted sarcasm in an e-mail, and the recipient took it the wrong way? E-mail communication can't convey the nuances of verbal communication. In an attempt to infer tone of voice, some people use emoticons, but use them sparingly so that you don't appear unprofessional. Also, don't assume that using a smiley will diffuse a difficult message.

11. Use a signature that includes contact information: To ensure that people know who you are, include a signature that has your contact information, including your mailing address, Web site, and phone numbers.

12. Summarize long discussions: Scrolling through pages of replies to understand a discussion is annoying. Instead of continuing to forward a message string, take a minute to summarize it for your reader. You could even highlight or quote the relevant passage, then include your response. Some words of caution:

If you are forwarding or reposting a message you've received, do not change the wording.

If you want to repost to a group a message that you received individually, ask the author for permission first.

Give proper attribution.

Use these suggestions as a starting point to create e-mail etiquette rules that will help your team stay efficient and professional.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Get All The Information You Need to Write A Bullet-Proof Resume!

Tip 1 - Use Titles or Headings That Match The Jobs You Want
With employers receiving hundreds of resumes you must make sure that your resume hooks an employer's attention within a 5-second glance. A great way to do this is to use job titles and skill headings that relate to and match the jobs you want. For example, compare the headings Roger used in his before resume to the headings used in his after resume.
Before Resume:Accounting / RecordkeepingAdministrativeComputer Skills
After Resume:Management of A/R and A/P AccountsComputerized Accounting ApplicationsDepartmental Administration / RecordkeepingWhich set of headings are the strongest for an Accounts Payable / Receivable Manager position?
Even though Roger's title was Accounting Assistant, he actually managed over 1,000 A/R and A/P accounts. Using skill headings that market the true nature of Roger's job duties will generate him more interviews and higher salary offers.

Tip 2 - Use Design That Grabs Attention
Employers make snap judgments when glancing at your resume. If they see unrelated job titles or skills the likelihood is very high that they will make an immediate assumption that you are not qualified for the job you want. Adding to this problem is the fact that employers don't have the time to read through each of your job descriptions to determine if you have the skills they need.
You Must Do That For Them! The design of your resume must highlight the most important information about your work experience, skills and education. At first glance this information forms the image that employers have of your skills and abilities.

Tip 3 - Create Content That Sells
Resume design should get attention but it's really the content of your resume, the descriptions you include of your skills and abilities, that determine how many interviews you generate--as well as the level of salary offers you receive. Compare the before and after statements from Roger's resume shown below:
Before Resume:Maintained records for accounts receivable and accounts payable accounts.
After Resume:Managed over 1,000 accounts receivable and payable accounts working directly with the Chief Financial Officer.Which of these examples presents Roger as being more qualified, having higher skills and worth a higher salary? As this example illustrates, our image of Roger is changed and elevated when we read the after example.

Tip 4 - Quantify and Use Power Words
As Roger's after statement demonstrates, using numbers to describe your achievements and responsibilities can greatly expand and elevate your image. Using numbers and quantifying creates vivid images in our mind when we read them, whereas general statements like the before examples are easy to skip over or forget. Typically the more specific you can be in describing your duties the better.
Another strategy that is extremely important in controlling the image that employers develop about you--is to use Power Words or verbs that match the level of position you want. For example, Roger wants to use the experience he's gained to move into a management position. To strengthen his image he should use as many "management oriented" words as possible. Which example below do you think is the strongest?
Typical Verbs:Gave work assignments to staff of entry level accounting clerks.
Power Words:Directed workflow, supervised and trained accounting staff performing posting to general ledger, accounts receivable and payable accounts.

Tip 5 - Analyze Ads and Job Descriptions to Identify Key Words
Learning how to analyze the key words that employers provide in help wanted ads and job descriptions is a key element in creating powerful resumes. For example, read the ad Roger found for an Accounts Receivable Manager below and see how many key words, phrases, or skill descriptions that it includes.
Accounts Receivable ManagerSeeking experienced A/R Manager to oversee accounts, manage billing and collections, train accounting and clerical staff, develop status reports for management and prepare monthly balance sheets. B.A. Degree or A.A. Degree with minimum of 2 years experience required.
Even though this ad is small it contains 12-13 key words or phrases that should be addressed in Roger's resume. Roger can also key words from an ad like this to create headings for his resume such as:
Key Word Skill HeadingsManagement of A/R AccountsBilling and CollectionsSupervision of Accounting and Administrative StaffBalance Sheet and Management Status Reports

Tip 6 - Identify and Solve Employer's Hidden Needs
In addition to the skills or needs listed in the ad shown above, the employer will have many more needs that Roger should identify and address in his resume and cover letter. For example, this employer will need someone who can deal effectively with other departments, research accounting issues and records to solve problems. To beat today's heavy competition for jobs, it's important that you identify and anticipate the full range of needs each employer faces and show how you can solve those needs.

Tip 7 - Sell the Benefits of Your Skills
Most resumes provide a list of duties that each applicant has been responsible for--without explaining the benefit of those skills to employers. For example, a secretary's resume might state she can type 80 wpm and is extremely accurate. This statement lacks an explanation of how her typing speed and accuracy benefit an employer's bottom line. The real benefit is that the employee can produce more work and ultimately save the employer money. A better statement for this person's resume would be:
Selling The Benefits of Skills· Achieved top production volume by maintaining high degree of accuracy with typing speed at 80 wpm.· Cut labor expense over $6,000 annually by eliminating the need for part-time wordprocessing staff.

Tip 8 - Create An Image That Matches The Salary You Want
As you write your resume, keep in mind the level of job and salary you want. Be sure to create an image that presents you at the appropriate level. For example, language used in a resume for an $8 an hour position is much different than the language used for a $16 an hour position. I recently met Lynn, who had held a Health Insurance Claims Management position making $42,000 per year. She had retrained for the accounting field and hadn't yet gained any "direct accounting experience" although she had prepared monthly accounting reports as a Department Manager.
I was appalled when she shared the resume she had been counseled to create. It began with this statement:
Seeking an entry level position in the accounting field.
Now what pay rate do you think this statement would motivate employers to offer Lynn? A much better statement would be:
Seek an Accounting position utilizing my experience:
· Managing a department and accounting for up to $250,000 in monthly claims.My goal is to help people either stay at their current salary level or move up--not go backwards. As you can see, the last statement greatly elevates Lynn's image and will be much more likely to generate salary offers comparable to her last pay rate.

Tip 9 - Prioritize the Content of Your Resume
Another big mistake that job seekers make is to list very important data in the lower sections of their job descriptions. As you compile statements for your resume, prioritize them by importance, impressiveness and relevance to the job you want. Remember that a strong statement which uses power words and quantifies will affect every statement under it. Read the two examples below. Which one has the most impact?
UnprioritizedMaintained records control, filing, office supply purchasing and equipment maintenance.Managed front office functions to support the President, Vice President and staff of 20 Sales Representatives.
PrioritizedManaged front office functions to support the President, Vice President and staff of 20 Sales Representatives. Maintained records control, filing, office supply purchasing and equipment maintenance.

Tip 10 - Tweak and Target Your Resumes and Cover Letters
You will generate many more interviews by tweaking your resume and cover letter so that they address the specific skills each employer requests. For example, Sally originally wanted a customer service position, then found an ad for a Retail Management opening. How well qualified do the headings in the left hand column present her for the Retail Management position? Do you think the headings in the right hand column will generate more and better interviews for Retail Management positions?
Customer ServiceCash AccountabilityComputer Skills
Retail Management / Customer ServiceCash Accountability / Supervision of Retail StationsRetail Accounting Applications
Sally's actual title had been Lead Cashier, even though she managed her own retail cashiering station in addition to 6 other cashiers and stations. Once Sally had created her original resume, it only took about 5 minutes to tweak and relabel her skill descriptions to fit Retail Management positions. This "relabeling" is entirely truthful and is extremely important in landing more interviews because it allows job seekers to apply for, and look qualified for, a wider range of jobs.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

To Maintain a Good Level of General Health for Ourselves and Family

In our everyday lives, there are little things we can do to maintain a good level of general health for ourselves and family. Obvious tips include a proper diet consisting of meals that are properly balance according to the food groups, adequate amounts of sleep, and lower stress. This article however is going to give information about 3 less popular, though highly effective ways to take care of our General Health.

1. Wear Slippers

Its not so much the wearing of slippers that will keep your immune system strong, but the not wearing of shoes inside of your house that will. Taking off shoes that are worn outside is a common practice in Asian Cultures, though rarely seen in Western Homes. Not only will this practice keep your house visibly cleaner, but it will also greatly minimize the amount of bacteria in your home that threatens your general health. Few would suggest that the streets and sidewalks outside are clean, and few would consider it sanitary to sit down in the streets and sidewalks outside. So why would our carpets and floors inside our house be clean if we walk over them with the same shoes that we wear walking in the streets and around outside. Leaving your outside shoes outside, and having a pair of slippers to wear inside is a good way to keep your house clean, and protect the general health of your family. This is especially true for those with young children.

2. Drink Water

Paying attention to what you and your family drinks throughout the day is a good way to stay healthy. You may find that a majority of what you drink is soda, coffee, energy drinks, and maybe juices. Soda, coffee, and energy drinks are okay in moderation, however the high levels of sugar and caffeine included are bad for your teeth and do a poor job at hydrating your body. In addition to a list of benefits to your health and digestive system, keeping your body fully hydrated is a good way of cleaning your body of toxins allowing you immune system to focus on fighting any sickness you may encounter. While juices are the healthiest of the group, they often contain high levels of sugar that create their own problems, and are not very good at quenching your thirst. A cup of coffee or two a day, or soda for lunch isn’t bad, just try to mix in a few glasses of water, tea, or a sugar free fruit juice.

3. Eat Fruit

Fruit is nature’s candy. It tastes great, contains loads of vitamins, and is easy to find, and easy to eat. In addition to this, eating fruit instead of other sugar filled candies will keep up your general health, keep your teeth strong, increase your digestion, and keep your weight down. There are a wide variety of fruits so that if you get tired of one, there are plenty of others to choose from. While eating fruit is good for adults who want to stay healthy or lose weight, getting your children in the practice of eating fruit for breakfast, after dinner, or as a snack is a great way to keep their health strong.

These are three easy practices to add to your healthy lifestyle that will greatly aide in maintaining a strong level of General Health for you and your family.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

General Health Tips

  • Drink 8-10 Glasses of Water a Day. If you normally do NOT add salt to your food, you may need to add 1/2 teaspoon of salt to your diet as a result of drinking this amount. This cleans out toxins and helps the body function much better.
  • Add Movement to Your Life. Park further so you walk between the car and the stores, take steps instead of elevators, and take longer routes to your desk.
  • Think Positively.
  • Take Time to Relax. Allow yourself to destress at least once a day.
  • Sleep 6-10 hours a night (or until you are well rested).
  • Wash your hands often. Minimally wash hands before eating and after using the restroom.
  • Eat a large variety of fresh produce or supplement your diet with vitamins and minerals.
  • Believe is Something. Studies have found that people who have faith live longer.
  • Eat vegetables every day. Vegetables provide vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Many are known to prevent various diseases including cancer.
  • Drink water before, during and after exercise. Thirst lags behind your body's need for water. So drink water early and often.
  • Laugh. Let humor enter your life. One of the easiest ways of being healthier is to find a way to relax more and have more fun.
  • Find a way to bring joy into your life. Treat yourself to long baths or help a neighbor. Find a way to smile and help others smile.

So how's your health after doing all these? Follow the right path to stay healthy!

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Get Refreshed: 5 Tips for Better Sleep

Catch sleep-depriving culprits so you can catch your zzzs

Good, sound sleep means you wake up feeling well rested and refreshed. However, if your nights are filled with frustration and mornings with fatigue, and you've checked yourself for the usual culprits like downing 7pm espresso shots or using your bed as a home office, here are some less obvious insomnia-inducing habits that just may be the source. Since these things happen while you're off in slumberland, they may not be the first to come to mind, but they can cause both sleep and health troubles.

Bedtime milk and cookies sounds like the perfect way to wind down before hitting the sack. But that soothing ritual might be costing you more than a few extra calories. When Oprah tells us she doesn't dare touch food after 8pm, she's doing it for weight loss reasons. But even if you're not a dieting diva, eating late is never a good idea. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, if you're eating a large meal before bedtime, the digestion process can get in the way of your good night's sleep. Besides disrupting your REM time, you may also be contributing to a more serious condition, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). This occurs when food is pushed back up into the esophagus via stomach acids, causing a burning sensation and sometimes choking and coughing.

Remedy: Do not eat a large meal or snack within two to three hours of bedtime. If this is unavoidable, plan ahead and satisfy your appetite earlier in the evening so all you'll need is a light snack before going to bed. If you do conk out after your gorge session, be sure to elevate your head with pillows.

Electrical Stimulation in the Bedroom
Everyone likes a little bedroom stimulation now and again, but just be sure those sparks are coming from your partner or spouse, and not from a love affair with technological gadgetry. Are you unwittingly charging your room with electrical current? The average home is filled with electromagnetic interference, as it is generated from every electric appliance. According to theories in quantum physics, electrical charges fill our air and can disturb sleep. Whether you're an avid tech junkie or just the average consumer, you likely have a TV, radio, CD player, portable phone and perhaps even a computer, printer, scanner and fax all within your compact sleep space. These pieces of electronic equipment ‑- particularly the TV and computer screen ‑- give off high levels of electromagnetic energy even long after they're turned off. You're literally jamming up your air with electronic waves.

Remedy: Turn off the electricity. Zero is the best number of electronic equipment to have in your bedroom; however, you can cover both your TV and computer screens with fabric before retiring and place a medium-to-large-size plant in your room for every piece of electrical equipment. Palms, peace lilies and spider plants are said to absorb the most electrical current. Digitally displayed alarm clocks emit a high amount of EMI, and should not be kept close to your head. Put them on the other side of your room or switch to a nondigital clock.

Are You a Stomach Sleeper?
Get in touch with your inner child while you sleep. According to researchers, the best sleeping positions that put the least stress on your joints and organs are on your back or in the semifetal position, where you lay on one side with knees slightly bent, one arm outstretched above the head, the other resting comfortably on the opposing upper arm to cradle the head. Both give your spine and body proper alignment.

However, if your preferred sleep position is on your stomach, you may be asking for trouble. You'll spend many hundreds of hours smashing your delicate facial skin into a pillow, which helps produce wrinkles, sagging and puffiness, not to mention trauma to your neck, spine and lower back.

Remedy: Change sleep positions. Sleep doctors suggest adhering two tennis balls to your stomach so whenever you try and switch to the old tummy routine, you'll automatically reposition yourself.

Increased Blood Cortisol Levels
The highly publicized study that linked lack of sleep with extra weight is accurate on one side of the equation. The study does not suggest getting more sleep will help you lose weight. It says if you're not getting enough sleep, you'll feel less equipped to handle stress and your intricate hormonal system will react, increasing stress hormones like cortisol. Higher blood cortisol negatively affects your sleep patterns in a round-robin effect. Numerous studies also show that increased cortisol levels both increase appetite ‑- particularly for sugar and starchy carbohydrates ‑- as well as promote stubborn belly fat. If that's not enough to want to keep them in check, recent studies also indicate a direct correlation between elevated cortisol levels and high blood pressure, diabetes and a decreased resistance to infection.

Remedy: Put in plenty of pillow time. Get yourself to bed at a reasonable hour so that you're not dreading the sound of the alarm clock come morning. Figure out how many hours of sleep your body operates best with, and once you start getting that magic number, your hormones will readjust and both your sleep and weight will normalize.

Sleep Apnea, RLS and PLMD
People tend to think that sleep problems are a part of life, and don't often think to discuss them with their doctor. But there are certain medical conditions that could be interfering with your sleep, and, since they happen during sleep, they will most often escape your notice.

Snoring isn't always just a nuisance. It could be a sign of a larger problem. According to the Sleep Research Society, sleep apnea occurs when airflow to the lungs is briefly blocked, most often in the throat, in repeated episodes of gasping, sometimes up to 50 times an hour. Snorting and gasping are the telltale signs. Obesity; the use of nicotine, alcohol or sedatives; hypothyroidism; sleeping on one's back; and excessive airway tissue are key factors. Sleep apnea can be dangerous to your health, so if you suspect your snoring may be sleep apnea, contact a doctor.

Restless legs syndrome (RLS) sends odd, uncomfortable sensations deep within the leg muscles and knees, creating forceful urges to move, particularly at night. Sufferers may jerk themselves awake with leg spasms or kicking movements, preventing a restful night's sleep. Periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) centers in the lower limbs and consists of spasms that can occur up to hundreds of times a night. The telltale signs of PLMD are crumpled bedcovers at the foot of the bed, along with kicking and jerking during sleep and unknowingly awakening many times during the night.

Remedy: If you suspect you might have any of the above sleep disorders, discuss them with your doctor as soon as possible. He or she can recommend a treatment to help get you back on the track to well-restedness.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!