Monday, October 29, 2007

Here are some tips on amateur body building

  • The first and foremost thing is to look out for a clean, well-equipped gym that is nearby to your place, where the overall ambience is good.
  • Set realistic goals for yourself and then slowly get on to higher intensity workout levels. First strengthen your muscles and then work towards building them.
  • Find training partner with whom you can hold a healthy competition, because that will help in motivating you to workout harder.
  • Before working on your muscles, perform some basic warm up light cardio stretches, as it will enhance your body flexibility and also minimize the risk of any sort of injury.
  • Keep breathing, while doing your bodybuilding workout, as it helps in supplying oxygen to the body that is essential for muscle growth.
  • For good results, exercising alone won't help. There is a need to maintain healthy eating habits and consume a balanced diet that incorporates food items in such combinations, that you get all the necessary nutrients, required by the body. Well, for muscle growth, the necessary nutrients are proteins, carbohydrates and fats. But then that does not mean, you should not take vitamins and minerals. Nutrients can be mixed in different proportions, depending upon factors like your body weight, fitness goals etc. Keep a check on your food intake and see to it that you eat nutritious foods.
  • Amateurs can consume protein powder supplement, so as to achieve lean muscle mass. Protein shakes are also a great alternative.
  • Complement your bodybuilding workout with some aerobic exercises, as they burn the extra calories and also ensure the health of your heart.

fOLLOW mE!!!!!

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